Red vs. Blue Fanon Wiki
ONI Seal 1
The ONI Branch Insignia


Office of Naval Intelligence

Faction Leader




The Office of Naval Intelligence serves as a minor role in Red vs. Blue The Freelancer Archives. It's primary purpose within the series is to serve under the UNSC providing logistical support in operations, usually serving under the sciences or espionage rather than direct combat. They are an intimidating branch of the UNSC, causing 'trouble' for many who fall involved in it.


ONI is not a direct combat force, however, it provides logistical and tactical support in missions where absolutely necessary. While only a small sub-branch of the United Nations Space Command, most of ONI's personnel are high-ranking allowing them to coordinate operations over UNSC missions. Aside from controlling operations, ONI monitor and receive Covenant artifacts and those alike, storing them and studying them. Their 'science' branch is one of the leading forms of funding for the Office of Naval Intelligence.


None of ONI's personnel have been revealed in the series thus far


  • ONI is described by characters in the series as 'a bunch of egg-heads' identifying their scientific persona, and 'guys in black coats who come and take you away' showing their darker and more direct methods.